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Thread: RCD510 poor AUX sound quality/volume

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brisbane, QLD

    RCD510 poor AUX sound quality/volume

    I recently upgraded from a RCD500 to a RCD510 and while I was using the RCD 500 and AUX it worked flawlessly, sound quality was acceptable and sounded similar to the radio.

    Now I have the RCD510 installed which works perfectly except for the AUX. Cable hasn't changed and was just a basically straight swap between the two units. Now when I plug in my iPhone the quality is atrocious basically all I can hear is very low sounds and doesn't even sound audible. I've turned up the volume on both the head unit and iPhone and nothing changes. I looked in the setting where there's the AUX volume/voltage and fiddled with that to no avail.

    Does anyone know why this happens?

    MKV GTI Pirelli

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Canberra ACT

    You might need to swap some pins because VW changed the AUX pins between gen-2 and gen-3 radios.

    Auxiliary input audio sound quality problems after changing head unit |

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